2024 Lakota Nation Invitational Knowledge Bowl tentative schedule
(Schedule may be subject to change)
A reminder that we are doing written exams first with quiz bowl to follow…
Wednesday, December 18th
2 pm (Lakota Language and Culture, Algebra I, Grammar II, American History, American Government, Health)
3 pm (Geometry, Grammar III, Physics, World Geography, Literature IV- English Lit)
4 pm (Algebra II, Grammar IV, Physical Science, World History)
5 pm (Advanced Math, Grammar I, Biology, Chemistry, Literature III- American Lit)
6 pm (Open to students who missed their testing hour as they were playing in the basketball challenge games)
7:15 pm; ready the room for quiz bowl.
Thursday, December 19th
8:30 am Sharp- Quiz Bowl will begin
5:00 pm- Last match of the evening.
Friday, December 20th
8:30 am Sharp we will continue quiz bowl
3:30-4:00 pm Last match
Friday – Awards, plates, and medals will be given out after the championship quiz bowl match.
Entry Fee
$500 per school. Entry fee must be paid before your school can participate.
Make check payable to
Lakota Nation Invitational
3213 W Main St #425
Rapid City SD 57701
Dress Code
Knowledge Bowl and Quiz competition participants are encouraged to follow the dress code as directed by LNI Directors. No jeans, tee shirts, gang related apparel, caps etc. Students should be in uniform or appropriate apparel. Recommended dress: dress pants and nice shirt.
Knowledge Bowl Competition Rules
Teams will consist of 4 members currently enrolled in grades 9-12. You can have alternates; however, only your four main team members and one coach will receive jackets in the event that you win the competition.
The match is played until either the time expires or all toss-up questions have been read. Each match will have two 10-minute halves with a 2-minute break.
Substitutions may be made only at the halftime break.
Two types of questions will be used: toss up questions, work 2 points and bonus questions, worth 1 point. A toss-up question must be answered correctly in order for a team to be offered a bonus question No team will have more than one opportunity to answer a toss-up question.
Questions are either multiple choice or short answer. The only acceptable answer to a multiple-choice question will be one of those read by the mentor.
After reading a toss-up question, the moderator will allow 5 seconds (60 seconds for a math question) for the two teams to respond before proceeding to the next toss-up question. Timing begins after the moderator has completed reading the toss-up question. Once read in its entirely, a toss-up questions will not be reread.
On toss-up questions, the first player on either team to activate the lock-out buzzer system wins the right to answer the question. Before answering, however, the team member must be verbally recognized the moderator. No player may buzz in until after the moderator has identified the subject area of the question.
On toss-up questions, no consultation among team members may occur.
Should a player answer a toss-up question before being verbally recognized by the moderator or should consultation among any of the team members occur, any answer given does not count (the moderator does not say whether the answer given was correct or incorrect) and the team loses the right to answer the toss-up question. The question is then offered to the opposing team.
A participant who has buzzed in on a toss-up question must answer the question promptly after being verbally recognized by the moderator. After recognizing a participant, the moderator will allow for a natural pause (up to 5 seconds), but if the moderator determines that stalling occurred, the team loses it’s opportunity to answer the question and it is offered to the opposing to if eligible.
On a toss-up question, the first answer given is the only one that counts. However, if a participant gives both a “letter” and a word answer to a multiple-choice question, BOTH must be correct
If the answer to a toss-up question is wrong and the question was completely read, the other team is given the opportunity to answer the toss-up question, unless time expires before the second team has buzzed in.
If a toss-up question is interrupted, the player recognized and the answer correct, the team will receive 1 point. If the answer is incorrect, 1 point is added to the opposing team’s score. The question is reread in it’s entirely and the opposing team has an opportunity to answer the toss-up question with the chance to answer the bonus question if correct.
If the moderator inadvertently gives an answer to a toss-up question without giving either team a chance to respond, no points are awarded and the moderator goes on to the next toss-up question.
If a toss-up question is interrupted, the player is NOT recognized and blurts out an answer, the result is a non-answer. Mo penalty points are awarded to the opposing team. The moderator will not indicate whether the answer was right or wrong and the question is reread in it’s entirely to the opposing team.
If the moderator inadvertently gives the answer to a toss-up question before allowing the second team to respond (after an incorrect answer, or an answer given without the team member having been recognized) the next toss-up question will be asked to the second team in place of the inadvertently answered questions.
After a team member has answered a toss-up question correctly, the team is given the opportunity to answer a bonus question. The team will have 10 seconds to begin to give its answer to the bonus question. Consultation among team members is allowed on bonus questions. However, the answer to the bonus question must come from the team’s captain. No other answer will be accepted.
On a bonus question, the signal “FIVE SECONDS” will be given by the timekeeper after 5 seconds of the allowed 10 seconds have expired. In addition, the timekeeper will indicate the end of the 10-second bonus period by saying “TIME”, if the captain has not begun to response before the timekeeper calls “TIME”, the answer does not count. If the team captain has begun the response, he/she may complete the answer. No stalling may occur; the team loses the opportunity to respond to the question if the moderator determines that stalling occurred.
If time runs out in the contest or half after a team has correctly answered a toss-up question, that team will be given a chance to answer the bonus question. If a toss-up question has been completely read, teams must buzz in before time has run out. If a team has not buzzed in before time runs out, it does not get a chance at the toss-up. This means, if a question is read completely and the first team that buzzes in is recognized and answers incorrectly or answers before being recognized, the second team will not get a chance at the toss-up unless it is able to buss in before time is called. If time runs out as a toss-up question is being read (i.e., interrupted), the following rules apply: A. If no one buzzes in before time is called, the contest or half is over; B. If a team member buzzes in before time is called, is recognized, and answers the question correctly, the team receives 1 point and has the chance to answer the bonus question before the contest or half end; C. If a team member buzzes in before time is called, is recognized but, answers the questions incorrectly, the other team receives 1 point and the question is reread for the other team, which is given the chance to answer both it and the bonus before the contest or half is over; D. If a team member buzzes in before time is called, is not recognized and gives an answer, the answer is not accepted and the question is read in its entirety for the other team which if it answers correctly, also is given a chance to answer the bonus question before the contest or half ends.
No one in the audience may communicate with participants during the match; communication will result in ejection from the competition room.
If someone in the audience shouts out an answer, the question will be thrown out (as will the person) and the moderator will proceed to the next question.
Should a question or challenge arise during a competition, the competition and the clock will be stopped until the question is resolved. Once the question has been resolved, the match will continue from that point. Should the moderator decide that some time was lost due to the interruption the moderator has the right to put the appropriate amount of time back on the clock.
Challenges must be made before the moderator begins the next question. Each team advisor will be given a flag; they can use this flag one time during their match to have a 1 minute discussion with their team captain to bring up a challenge. (i.e question, answer, score) The advisor can only use this one time during each match. And it can only be used before the moderator reads the next question. All challenges must come from the team members who are actively competing. The alternate may not object. All decisions of the moderator are final.
If the score is tied at the end of the regulation time period, a series of five toss-up questions will be used to break the tie. This process will be repeated until the tie is broken.
No notes may be brought to the competition table. Nothing may be written before the clock starts. Scratch paper will be provided at the beginning of each match and collected at the conclusion of the match.
Calculators are not permitted.
The time schedule will be followed as closely as possible. Matches will not start before the scheduled time unless both teams agree to an early start. In the event one or both of the teams scheduled to complete are not present when the match is scheduled to start, two minutes will b set on the clock and at the end of that time, a forfeit will be declared if the team(s) are not present.
Individual Exam Info & Rules
Individual testing is a high school competition for grades 9-12.
Each school may register three students per test. Students should be registered for tests that coincide with subjects they are taking during the school year. Alternates can be listed however; a school can only have three students per test.
All tests are purchased from independent quiz bowl firm and are multiple choices.
Students may enter as many tests as rules and schedule allows.
Calculators will be allowed in the following tests: Advanced Math, Algebra 1, Algebra II, Chemistry, Geometry, and Physics. Students are responsible for providing their own calculator.
Plates will be awarded to the first place winners. A total accumulative point team trophy plate will be awarded to the school with the most points. Winners will be awarded their prizes at the end of the quiz bowl competition.
Only students taking a test will be allowed in the testing room.
All testing must be completed during the scheduled time. “Late” tests will not be allowed.
Individual tests will be given ONLY DURING THE SCHEDULED TIME. Tests cannot be taken early or late to accommodate students with scheduling conflicts.